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Produced Water Toxicity
EPA - 821-R-02-014, Short Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms
Organisms used in these tests:
Americamysis bahia ( formerly Mysidopsis bahia), Method 1007
Menidia beryllina, Method 1006

Menidia beryllina

Americamysis bahia
7-Day Chronic Toxicity Tests
LC50, IC25, and NOEC Statistical Analyses Available
All organisms for primary test methods are cultured in-house, providing immediate availability as well as exceptional quality organisms.
EE USA's staff are thoroughly and annually trained to perform tests according to Standard Operating Procedures developed following EPA methodology and NELAP standards. They have the skills and experience to develop methods for special projects as well as complete primary test methods.
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